Friday, December 3, 2010

The "thin " time of the year..

My husband and I refer the the season following Thanksgiving until late March as "the Thin Time of year. In ancient days it was believed that during the days of shortened sunlight and increased cold the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world "thinned out", thus allowing people to see the non physical world ; and in some cases actually "slip" through to that other world without much prompting.
If you have ever worked with the mentally ill, or on a psychiatric ward, or have family with emotional problems you know this all too well. A running joke amoung staffers at the residential treatment center where I worked for many years was"if it's not a full moon, it's the holidays!" This was our way of explaining the insanity that cropped up so horrifically during the festive season. There are probably many good reasons why people get struck down by depression during this time, or go psychotic, and just get a little "wiggy" We miss loved ones that have passed on, we feel incredible pressure to spend money we do not have, we are cold and sunlight starved...but I love the image of the "thin time"better than a scientific explanation. Perhaps we also hear those voices calling us from the other side, whispering the pleasures of madness or the dark secrets of life's futility. Maybe the scent of a sweeter afterlife mingles in the air around us and tempts us to step over. We need our courage during this time, our commitment to keep on trying and hope that tommorrow the sun will shine brighter. Our friends and families and our passions keep as grounded until spring can fill us with new life again.

As a licensed social worker, I have many years of watching and hearing people struggle with mental illness. For that reason it shows up frequently in my writings, and poses guestions to my readers about life in this world as we know it. I am particularly fascinated with the decisions people make in critical junctions in their life that change things forever for them in a negative or positive way..The catalysts of change so to speak. So, here are some of my poems of people and "the thin time" Some old, some newer,some weird...but written to make you think...

Try writing about social issues in the people that you see around you and brings large issues to light with specific stories

Decision In Philadelphia

A crumpled leaf
she choose to fall.
beneath society's gaze.

Pulling herself together ,
in a multi -colored billiard ball
she laid down
bent in an awkward fetal cur.l

Asleep upon the sidewalk of 41st and Pine
Nobody exactly knows
in a moment's hesitation,
she preferred concrete to going on.


The Obsession

He looked up at the luggage rack
that hung above him on the train,
the guardrail by the stairs,
beneath his hand,
Hidden in peoples mittens, scarves and three peice suits
BARS OF BONES - within his chest,
made him try to hold his breath;
Seeing BARS in mirrors, walls and ceilings,
he turned around and fled
Then one day he was convinced the bars were
growing IN HIS HEAD.

So, he swan dove out the 8th floor window
and when the bobbies found him,
both the bars and he were dead.


Unseen Pain

These tears ,
like the memories of seconds passed,
are unharnessed one by one -
to paint a momentary glint of glass on cheek,
trace my jugular with my pain,
and hide with intimate knowledge
in the clevage of my breasts.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gotta get that loving feeeling..

Happy Valentines Day everybody! The celabrated day of the year when all those that "have" love, wallow in it and all those who don't feel pitiful and alone! Love in America is a "feeling" an emotional rollarcoaster of losing yourself in the personality of another. In other countries, love is not based on feelings, people marry spouses their parents have choosen for them, and "learn" to love the indidividuals. Some marrages are preserved through tradition and routine, without emotional "feelings" for each other. In the United States if the feelings change we question the exsistance and the history of our commitments and relationships. Love is deeper than a feeling, and often the true test of love is the ability to be courteous, hug, share, smile and carry on in the absense of emotional highs.

A Poem for my Love

I heard your heartbeat in the city today,
As clear as the cyrstal flakes that kissed my cheeks
and danced in the air.
What I saw more jeweled and fair,
was your ivory fingers entwined in my hair.

Wedding Vows

If there is any time for love,
it is now
rings the song of the meadowlark into the blazing dawn.

If there is any time for hope;
it is now
whispers the rustling grass

"Take me now!, please!"
see how already the morning dew
dries into noonday heat,
and today becomes yesterday's past.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Love in all it's forms, family....friends...platonic....sexual...spiritual...still eludes us often in day to day existence We are born alone...we die alone, that is a truth we try very hard to ignore and suppress. Dorthy Day called it "The Long Loneliness", many call it depression, it hurts...and when we find a moment of relief from that feeling of aloneness, it makes a permanent impression on our psyches.

Some early poems of love------


The bonds of love
like invisible curtains,
surround us
envelope us,
cocoon us in their security.
Occasionally, the softness
draws closer
brushes our cheeks with it's aged coarseness
and brings to ones remembrance
it's powerful existence.

Leather man Hobo

I think of you as I wander green fields
bathed in the summer heat.
Miniature daisies coat the wild grass
like a layer of new fallen snow;

Why did you go?


In child's play
I gave a flower away --
A daisy whose petals tear my
heart like flint
has returned to stay.


I find a strange peace in your anger,
For I know
even in your hate
you cannot help
but love me.....
I smile.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dealing with Perfectionism

Every writer has to deal sooner or later with when to end the poem and/ or to stop working on it. There are many poems that I created that had wonderful lines in them or images that I could "see" with every fiber of my being. That is not always enough, the entire poem has to work..and it has to work for more than just you! I have poems I have worked on for years...yes, I said years... and I still don't like the way they came together....or I felt it needed just one more little tweak, but they still don't feel complete to me. We are often our own harshest critics, and it is so fun to punish ourselves repeatedly. I believe 90% of writer's block is perfectionism in it's worst form.
Everybody writes for their own reasons, but I write because my sanity depends on it. It doesn't do me any good to be harsh on myself, or to stop writing because it doesn't look exactly right to me. Write because you love words, write to tell stories, write to find your voice. Your writing is uniquely YOU, like your tread softly and be gentle, just keep trying!

Two poems that I never "finished" or liked..but couldn't let of...

On The Art Of Blooming

The swollen buds hang un - birthed,
seemingly suspended by expectancy alone.
I laugh as the moon reaches a silver beam
to tickle with abated breath the plant
the plant that writhes to retain it's eminent blooms.

One elderly curiously gent pauses to consider the mirage of gold
his eyes at first perceived;
There -
slivers of canary color forewarn
of an explosive revelation.
The tension becomes increasingly acute.
Brilliance that demands disclosure
must first wrestle with restraining boughs
that know how beauty offends an ugly world.

we scream together for tomorrow's release.....

A mornings sigh will find our lives shattered,
splintered with the shrapnel
of a vibrant yellow forsythia.


On The Value of Words

With trembling lip and acid dread
I gave birth to those atomic words.
"Poor victims that they were!"
they flew like a hare before the hounds
to finish a mercenary job,"Well done"

Though they had ruptured from my bowels like a sausage overstuffed
and ripped my soul with their urgency,
It might have made all the difference as a grain of sand
falling unnoticed from the workman's bench.

"Fool that I was!" to lower myself to words
that I might have thought would change the color of the sky!
Why speak such idiotic syllables?
if they become but a child's whim to wipe away the brownness of her eyes?

I did not think the blades of grass
would shout at me a brighter green.
nor did I dare to dream the Hyacinth would emulate a richer scent...
so why give wings to those cursed thoughts
that until not have only tortured the recesses of my heart?

My mind twists in pain
I now confess
were I to guess and admit with quaking fear,
my true motive for speaking such,
was hope...
you might have grasped those birds of articulation,
held their bloody treasure in your unstained hands
take that meaty mess
raise it to your lips

and kiss...

OK yes, I was in love, and yes I got my heart broken! Have yourself a good laugh at my expense! There is something awful about these poems! I still can't let them go! These are just some of my imperfect go ahead ..write ..and enjoy yourself!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Our family forms the basis for all our future relationships. Like it or not, your family as a child was very important to how you veiw the world and who you let love you. My siblings were critical for my survival. We banded together to protect one another from our unpredictable father. We made promises to each other, we tried as best as young children could to meet each other's needs and experience joy in our lives. My youngest sister, Naomi was born when I as 10 years old. At first I was threatened by her appearance on the family scene, but soon pulled her into my world with excitment and love. She has grown up to become one of my closest friends and confidents. Here as a teenager,I write about her to encourage her to enjoy her childhood, several years later in college, I would write a more serious poem about how knowledge of her exsistance often gave me hope in a trying world.

Smile Naomi

Smile Naomi, Life's gonna pass you by
Smile Naomi, Your too young to cry.
Childhood's a fantasy, the only time in life you can be free.
Free from worry,
Free from care,
when games are life
and skys are always blue -
Smile Naomi, for the time will go too fast,
Smile Naomi, for your life will soon be past.

Hope for the World in an Adolescant Little Sister

Pinned beneath the gaze of the city man's optical rape;

I whisper innocences name.....

